SolidWorks |
Use the "View Selector" to see and select views of the model in context. The "View Selector" helps to see what the right, left, front, back, top, and axonometric views of the model will look like when selected.
The Search Commands lets you find and run commands from within SOLIDWORKS. You can use it to search or locate a command in the user interface. The results are filtered as you type which normally allows you to find a command with a few keystrokes.
Browse recent and open documents by pressing the R key. You can select a document tile from the keyboard, or hover over a tile to select it with the mouse.
By pressing the S key on the keyboard, customised shortcut bars let you create your own set of commands for sketching, part, assembly and drawing mode.
In a section view the model is displayed as if cut by planes and faces that you specify. Multiple sections can be created as well as selecting parts or features you wish to hide or show.
New tools have been added to sketching such as conic, segment and midpoint line.
New features which are added to part modelling include new Conic Fillet options and Variable Patterns that include up to reference & equal spacing patterns.
Changing the orientation of a component when inserting it into an assembly using the Insert Component Property Manager.